Hello there! I just thought I would tell you that I have been reading your posts for over a year, leaving it in my iPad bookmarks. I am 16, currently battling my way through my junior year of high school, and feel a string connection with you and your words. I appreciate both more than you know, and your posts have led me through rough days on more than one occasion. I don't have a blogspot account, so I don't know if this message will actually reach you, but I thought I would try anyway. Thank you thank you thank you. Namaste -Shawna
wow. thank you so much! i am quite honored and im so glad i could help in any possible way even if its just writing down random ideas to get them off my chest. much love
Hello there! I just thought I would tell you that I have been reading your posts for over a year, leaving it in my iPad bookmarks. I am 16, currently battling my way through my junior year of high school, and feel a string connection with you and your words. I appreciate both more than you know, and your posts have led me through rough days on more than one occasion. I don't have a blogspot account, so I don't know if this message will actually reach you, but I thought I would try anyway. Thank you thank you thank you. Namaste
wow. thank you so much! i am quite honored and im so glad i could help in any possible way even if its just writing down random ideas to get them off my chest. much love