Sunday, March 11, 2012


i hate fucking people who just exist. it's not that they're bad people by any means, but don't just live life going to school, hanging out with friends, getting a job, death. that is not why we are fucking here, do more with your existence. im not asking you to, im not begging you to, im demanding you to, as a fellow human being. people like this contaminate my life experience and it pisses me off to no end. what's even worse is when people plan for this shit. and what i mean by that is when people PLAN to live normally and lead out an average life. i'll be the first to admit i've done it to but holy shit i can't stand the people who do it on the regular. what i mean by that is people who go around talking about school, or making plans with friends, or their minimum wage job. fuck that. who really gives a shit you shallow minded fools? living "simply" has got to be the largest brainwashing of our population. that's not why we are here, and if you lack the substance you need to shut up and learn from those who do not. it's like trying out for a band without playing an instrument. just. shut. up. i can't stand people, that all they talk about... IS PEOPLE. and things... that have happened... that mean fucking nothing. stop wasting your god damn life. current mood: pissed off so this might not make a lot of sense but i don't care. more coherent thoughts to come real soon. but for now, where the fuck did the substance go?


  1. Unfortunately, I think you're going to spend a lot of your life disappointed in the vast majority of people. "Substance", isn't something you can tell people about, explain to them, have them understand and appreciate. I think most people are just doomed (or blessed? ignorance is bliss...) to lead a life in which they get "enough" and never really know or want for more.

    And I don't think it's even so much the whole, "school, work, die" mentality necessarily. There are people who have the depth and substance you're talking about (at least from my understanding of it) that aren't just content with their lives, but really and truly happy in a "simple" life. I think it's more of an obliviousness to the possibility of other things in life. The people who just follow that path because it's what they heard they're supposed to do, not because they choose it themselves. It's entirely possible to get substance from a "simple" life, it's just that very few people do.

    Like I think I said in an earlier comment, there are people who just "get it". Everyone else becomes a drone ("people who just exist"). I think we're both riding that wavelength of understanding, but dancing around how to articulate it into actual words. But I think I get what you mean. I've met and really liked quite a few people who lacked substance, and it has always ended up with me frustrated with them and the relationship falling to shit, and I can never explain why to them. Really just cherish those people you know that have that substance though; you're incredibly lucky to have them.

  2. "I think we're both riding that wavelength of understanding, but dancing around how to articulate it into actual words." That's one of the truest things i've ever heard. I'm not saying you can teach people about it, but I believe you can show them the path to understanding.

    "I've met and really liked quite a few people who lacked substance, and it has always ended up with me frustrated with them and the relationship falling to shit, and I can never explain why to them."
    I can relate to this A LOT. I think it's tough because for me personally I need a dosage of depth as well as living simply for me to feel truly complete. When I'm surrounded by too much of one or the other I start going a little crazy haha.
